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Friday, May 05, 2006


I’m back from my China trip! It was a really fun and unforgettable experience meandering through the streets of China. I especially like the ancient Chinese architecture – their little pavilions, tiled roofs and 牌坊.

There are also things that I dislike – most of the PRCs are so rude! It’s probably their culture but they like to cut queue, push you around without saying excuse me, and spit on the floor! And it’s not only the older generation, coz on the train that I was on, the teenage girl (probably around 17 or 18) just spat her saliva on the floor like nobody’s business.

One of the other frustrating things is finding food. There are many little roadside stalls but due to hygiene issues, me and Zuyao only ate when we thought that they at least looked decent. But coz of the bird flu, we have to avoid chicken (though we had eggs almost everyday =P ).

Oh, and the weather. The temperature fluctuates quite a lot! In the morning and at night, temperature is rather low and the winds are cold. But it's so hot in the noon! Contrary to my research of average temperature around 22 degrees celsius, it reached 35 degrees one day! Luckily i brought tank tops to be worn underneath my sweaters...

But overall it was better than what I expected. Due to the 黄金假期, I had prepared myself for the worst that there’ll be plenty of people. Of coz there still were, but it was what I can handle so it’s not so bad afterall.

Ok, here’s some photos of my 7D6N China trip:-

豫园 in Shanghai

陆家嘴, the commercial centre of Shanghai

The beautiful 周庄水乡

Cruising the rivers of 周庄

One of the 4 top gardens in China, Suzhou's Zhuo Zheng Yuan (Humble Administrator's Garden)

The famous Hangzhou 西湖

Me and Zuyao in 古装 as 皇帝 and 格格

Magnificent Buddhist statues at 飞来峰

For more pictures, visit my multiply website k? It's the link on the sidebar...


At 10:28 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

oh my gosh... u and zuyao looked so cute in that costume! abt China Chinese... i guess i can understand tt...lived with some chinese the past 3 mths... guess y i'm moving again? =P


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