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Saturday, March 11, 2006

KTV nite! (continuation from previous post)

Met up Qiuyan and Trina for KTV at Teo Heng. Had dinner at MOS Burger with Trina coz Qiuyan was caught up at work and hence was late. The KTV was fun! The last time we met was during CNY so we had quite a lot to catch up.

Qiuyan sang some Sammi Cheng's old songs, which prompted me to see which of her songs i felt like singing. And i found a gem!! I saw the Cantonese version of Superwoman (by Karyn White) so decided to check it out. It was a great move coz Sammi is superbly good!!!

The original Cantonese version was sang by Faye Wong and already i was so in love with the song. I've been singing the Faye Wong version for years (i'm not joking...i got to know the song through her 1996/97 concert vcd) and didn't think anyone else could carry it off as well as Faye.

Hearing Sammi's version of it of her 2004 concert is really an eye/ear opener! It's already difficult to accept a new version of a song that is so loved/ popular/ well sung, and even more difficult to surpass it, yet Sammi did it. And if you have seen her live singing the song, you'd be blown away. Not only by her incomparable delivery of the song but also her stage presence and X-factor.

Like what Qiuyan and Trina say, she is really the so called Tian Hou, or heavenly queen! We can't think of any person in current HK entertainment circle that can possibly replace her or even come close to her. Nowadays artistes are either teeny boopers trying to make a quick buck, good lookers who can't sing ,or good singers who don't have the X-factor.

Anyway from now on, i guess everytime i go KTV, you can bet i'll probably pick the Sammi version of Superwoman.


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